Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Infallible Church? Infallible Bible? Or INFALLIBLE CHRIST?

1 incapable of error
2 sure, certain
Webster's Dictionarry
Some people trust in an infallible church in which the will of God is interpreted by others. They say that the church was founded by Jesus Christ, therefore its doctrine must be His will. There are many Christians who know about Christ and try to live their lives under their "infallible" church rules. The yoke is not easy and the burden is not light but they give it their best shot. Many suffer guilt and condemnation and feel like spiritual "cripples". They may begin to wonder: Is this the right church? Is this the only church? Do I really agree that every doctrine is infallible?
Then there are those who trust in the infallible Book, the Bible, and try to live by it. These Christians sincerely believe in God's Word and its inspiration and infallibility. But the specific solutions to many day to day situations and circumstances are not given in the Bible. And so many doctrines which conflict with each other are proven by Bible verses. The result can be hair-splitting debate, contrary interpretation and a kind of pharasaical approach to God's will.
What is really God's way to a TRULY INFALLIBLE Christian life? It is THE Life, the Person of Jesus Christ, living within you by your conversion, your new birth. It is eternal Life NOW, and it is infallible! If you have called on God for forgiveness, accepted Christ's death for your sins, and made Jesus the Lord of your life, you are now in an eternal living union with an INFALLIBLE Christ.
Does this make your human life "incapable of error", "sure", "certain"? YES and NO! It all depends. What?? Let's explain.
Because of Jesus Christ coming to dwell in your human spirit, God sees YOU as righteous (which is just another word for "infallible") because Jesus in you is righteous. In your core, in the real you, you are infallible. It is just that simple.
But hold it! You may say, "I'm a Christian. I accepted Christ. But you don't know me if you think that I'm infallible! I make wrong choices, at times. I sin! And about the time I think I have overcome a problem, I sin again! What do you make of that?"
I still say that you are infallible! But either you just never became AWARE of Christ's righteousness living in union with you, or you temporarily lost that AWARENESS of Christ due to pressure from worldly influences.
The infallible Christian life (the Life of Christ within you) has become an eternal feature of your existence. This is what we term "salvation". But your soul (mind, emotions and will) must first come into this knowledge as truth, as fact. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher of the soul sent by God to reveal Christ in you. Secondly, as you daily grow in this knowledge and AWARENESS of your infallibility in Christ, you TRUST CHRIST TO LIVE INFALLIBLY FOR YOU. You know from experience that your human mind is prone to error. And your body follows your mind.
The Bible says that, as a Christian, you "have the mind of Christ". But your soul mind must TRUST in or turn over control to the mind of Christ. This is what the term "spiritual growth" means. You don't really grow stronger spiritually because your spiritual union is full and complete at conversion. You receive total Christ, total Christ's righteousness, TOTAL CHRIST'S INFALLIBILITY at the new birth. But you grow in AWARENESS and TRUST in who you are!
Okay, so you still have a human mind and the world gets to you sometimes. You slip into the illusion of independent-self once in a while and try to do your own thing. Your brain is still wired to accept external influences. At conversion, God doesn't do a re-wiring job in your brain so that you can only hear from your spirit. You still live in the world and hear its messages. And, on occasion, SIN! (For a Christian, sin is nothing more than trying to do your own thing separate from Christ in you.)
But Christ doesn't leave. And He soon draws you back into awareness and trust in His Life, His eternal life, YOUR eternal Life, His righteous Life, YOUR INFALLIBLE LIFE! The sin will hurt you in some way, sometimes in an extensive way, but Jesus will use the experience to actually INCREASE YOUR AWARENESS AND TRUST IN HIM.
God corrects His children when they slip up and do wrong in an attempt at independence, but He does not disown them. They have been made "partakers of the divine nature" and are forever IN God's Family. We don't lose Christ in us when we slip and sin. We are "saved".
All of the promises for God's children in the Bible are infallible! Therefore YOU, as one of God's children in Christ, ARE INFALLIBLE! You just must LEARN about Christ in you, ACCEPT the truth of Christ in you, and TRUST in the guidance and power of Christ in you.
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32
It could be stated that you shall know the truth of Christ's infallible living power within you, and the AWARENESS of this truth shall make YOU infallible!
Then you can begin just to live; to do the things at hand; to know the Life rising up and spreading out into so many areas. The more our eyes are opened to it, the more it happens. Even when the environments are grim and pressuring – there is no fallibility. It is HE!
Life becomes a steady, dawning AWARENESS that you are not merely a struggling patchwork of body, soul and spirit, but a unity, AN INFALLIBLE UNITY, expressing the universal Life of God. Surely that is what "wholeness" (holiness) really means – a conscious, inner, INFALLIBLE unity with the Life of God through Christ.

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